
October 2018
This week Pastor Mike talks on the topic of faith, teaching from the story of Jericho. He explores what is means to have faith today. Is it simply believing in something without evidence? Bridge Family Church is an Assemblies of God church plant that began in 2012. We are a Pentecostal church with a passion...
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Pastor Steve taught from the scriptures how to Learn to relax from the everyday stresses that invade all of our lives every day. He used the verses in Matthew where Jesus encouraged everyone to release everything to Him and He would take the strain. Pastor Steve used the verse from the Message Bible to show...
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Pastor Mike uses the story of Joseph from Genesis, where Joseph after being treated really badly by his brothers shows mercy and forgiveness referring to the fact that what they had intended for evil God had used for the greater good. Along with scriptures from the new testament where Jesus taught His disciples how vital...
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Pastor Mike explains using the scriptures why we in Assemblies of God believe in and practice water baptism. He shows how Jesus was Himself baptised and at the end of His ministry gave the command to the disciples to ‘go and make disciples baptising them in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit’....
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